Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Health Care


A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for entry to Pakistan by travellers coming from an infected area. Malaria exists in areas below 6,562 feet (2,000m) year round, and travellers should seek medical advice before travelling. Dengue fever is another reason to protect against mosquito bites. Vaccinations for typhoid, Japanese encephalitis (long-term travellers to rural areas) and polio are also recommended. Bird flu has been confirmed on poultry farms and found in wild birds, and thousands of birds have been culled; human deaths have also been reported. The risk to travellers is low, but as a precaution close contact with live birds should be avoided and all poultry and egg dishes well cooked. There is a risk of diarrhoeal diseases; visitors should only drink bottled or otherwise sterilised water, and avoid dairy products, uncooked meat, salads and unpeeled fruit. There is a low risk of cholera and Hepatitis E. Outside the major cities there are few hospitals of a high standard. Medical insurance is strongly advised.

View information on diseases: Typhoid fever, Malaria, Japanese encephalitis, Hepatitis E, Dengue Fever, Cholera

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